September 16, 2024






Council in regular session was called to order at 6:00 p.m. in council chambers. President Mitcho presiding.

Gregg Mitcho, President Jeanne Miller, Vice President Robe1i “Doc” Orr

George Drushel Jim Simonelli

Robert Stubenbort, Borough Manager Peter Bmion, Mayor

Joseph Yochim, Solicitor Mark Corey, Engineer

Kevin Rafferty, Chief of Police

Dennis McDonald, Public Works Supervisor


Doug Wright Tim Knapp


Michael Stafford, WCNJ Laura DiPasqua

Fred Carlson Ginger Sarnowski Jeff Orr

Nancy Bronstein Bev Bible

Tim Vargulich

Motion by Councilmember Drushel to approve the August 19, 2024 council meeting minutes. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in favor. Motion carried.



Motion by Councilmember Orr to approve payment of the bills. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in favor. Motion carried.

Ginger Sarnowski requested that the white line on Main Street (SR 20) be extended up to the Post Office for bicycle use. Mrs. Sarnowski asked for “Space and Grace” for the bike riders. President Mitcho proposed that the borough allow for bicycles to share the sidewalk in that area. Council disagreed. Council explained that SR 20 is a state road.

Councilmember Miller suggested that Mrs. Sarnowski start a letter writing campaign to PennDOT in Oil City with her request.

COMMITTEES          West County Emergency Management proposed 2025 Budget shows that our monthly contribution cost went down by twenty dollars.

On 9/11/2024 the WCPA Board hired a Director. The Directors name is Jamie Snider, her starting salary is $78,000.00 with a three-year contract. She is currently a paramedic with WCPA. Jamie has extensive education and work experience that should prove beneficial to the organization. A grant application has been made to cover about a year and a half of the cost of the new director.

President Mitcho reported that $37,865.00 has been raised for the A. F. Dobler fund drive. The borough fire tax has raised $136,267.00 The township fire tax has raised $59,399.00. Combined that’s $195,666.00 for purchase of a new fire truck. Dobler will host a Halloween Patty on October 26th and Council is welcome to help hand out candy.

Tim Vargulich, representing A. F. Dobler Hose, explained to Council that the fire trucks are getting old and will need replaced. The ladder truck is 32 years old, the tanker is 30 years old and the rescue pumper is more than 20 years old. The fire department is accepting quotes for a new fire truck. One quote from Sutphen has been received for

$1,231,903.93. Prepay would be $1,129,272.27. The truck is custom and is designed for a smaller firefighting crew and extra safety. From the time the truck is ordered it will be two and one half to four years before delivery. A new fire truck has a 40 year life expectancy. Firefighter Vargulich said that A. F. Dobler Hose is requesting help from the Girard Borough.




Mayor Burton mentioned that the Hagan History Center had a bike tour of West County on September 5, 2024. Thirty people on bikes participated. The Hagan Hist01y Center is spending $180,000.00 to paint the White House in Girard Borough. On September 27, 2024 the Hagan History Center is hosting a Farm to Table event at the Yellow House.

Officer Zuern said that the Touch a Truck event attracted 70 children. The children enjoyed being able toparticipate. President Mitcho said that

$240.00 was spent on a rumbler for Car 10 and asked for more information. Chief Rafferty said that the rumbler puts vibrations in the road to alert the cars that the police are behind them.

A resolution supporting the development of an Erie County Comprehensive Housing Plan. Motion by Councilmember Miller to approve the development of an Erie County Comprehensive Housing Plan. Seconded by Councilmember Orr. All in favor. Motion carried.

At this time I am certifying the 2025 Police Pension MMO which is $143,296.00 and the 2025 Non-uniform MMO is $27,362.00 and the 2025 Administrative Pension is $18,447.00. Council is required to adopt the MMO in September. Motion by Councilmember Simonelli to approve the 2025 Police Pension MMO which is $143,296.00 and the 2025 Non-uniform MMO is $27,362.00 and the 2025 Administrative Pension is $18,447.00. Seconded by Councilmember Drushel. All in favor. Motion carried.











The work shop meeting is scheduled for November 6, 2024 at 6:00PM.

The PSAB Fall Leadership Conference is October 11-13, 2024 at Lancaster Marriott & Convention Center. Accommodations have been made for Councilmember Orr.

Fall water flushing will take place for three weeks starting September 23 through October 11, 2024. Any discolored water will clear up overnight.

The 2024 Commonwealth state aid allocation supp011ing the VOLUNTEER FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION (VFRA) is scheduled to be direct deposited on September 18, 2024, in the amount of $15,745.01 and this money will then go directly to A.F. Dobler Hose & Ladder Company Relief Association.

The Erie County Association of Boroughs Meeting will be held Wednesday October 16, 2024 at Union City American Legion. Start time is 6:30 PM.

 Remaining Leaf Pick Up Dates are October 17 and 31 as well as November 14 and 28. Only 30-gallon clear plastic bags will be picked up.

The Civil Service Test produced one candidate for part time police officer.

The Girard Cemete1y Association is asking permission to raze the house on Church Street. $44,693.18 is currently owed on the SCP Loan. At the end of 2033 the loan will be paid off. Motion by Councilmember Drushel to approve the Girard Cemetery Association request to raze the house at 129 Church Street. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in favor. Motion carried.

Barbara Munro, 633 Pine Tree Drive, sent a letter to the borough concerning her curb lawn tree. The tree is viable, but the root system is lifting the sidewalk. It was decided that Council could not approve Mrs. Munros request because the current ordinance does not permit the removal of healthy trees.

Council reviewed changes to the sidewalk and tree ordinances and decided to table the ordinances until more information can be included.

SIDEWALK PROGRAM      One hundred fourteen violation letters have been sent out calling for the replacement of three hundred eighty-two square of sidewalk.



Mr. Dan McQuillen presented the borough with a donation check for the Girard Borough Municipal Pool in the amount of $810.00. This money was raised at the Car Show during Dan Rice Days.

Borough Manager Stubenbort mentioned that the ECOG was having a meeting for Municipal Budgeting & Finance on Sep 25, 2024. 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM in Edinboro.

COUNCIL COMMENTS           Councilmember Simonelli mentioned that cable and phone wires are still wrapped around the utility poles in the borough.

Councilmember Drushel asked if the power outages were the fault of the borough. Dennis McDonald said that lately they have been Pennelec issues. Councilmember Drushel asked how many outages we have had this year. Mayor Burton said three. Councilmember Drushel said that the borough should hear if a $33,000.00 grant for the pool has been approved. If received the grant will be used for tables, chairs and lounges at the pool.

Councilmember Orr asked if the borough was going to pursue grants for the water system for the Lead and Copper Rule work. Manager Stubenbort said that if grants are available then the borough would apply. Council agreed to ask Mark Corey to write the grants.

Councilmember Miller requested that the Public Works Department clean and repair the grill at the Water Works Park Pavilion.

Meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m. for a five-minute break before going into executive session.



At 7:45 p.m., President Mitcho asked for an executive session to discuss personnel and legal matters.

The regular meeting was called back into session at 8:47 p.m. No other issues were discussed.

ADJOURN      Motion by Councilmember Orr and seconded by Councilmember Simonelli to adjourn at 8:48 p.m. All in favor.

Robert A. Stubenbort Borough Manager