December 16, 2024
Council in regular session was called to order at 6:00 p.m. in council chambers. President Mitcho presiding.
Gregg Mitcho, President Jeanne Miller, Vice President Robert “Doc” Orr
Jim Simonelli Doug Wright George Drushel
Robert Stubenbort, Borough Manager Peter Burton, Mayor
Joseph Yochim, Solicitor Kevin Rafferty, Chief of Police
Dennis McDonald, Public Works Supervisor
Tim Knapp
Mark Corey, Engineer
Michael Stafford, WCNJ Laura DiPasqua
Ginger Cinti, Lake City Borough Council Shirley Hall
Larry Russell Bev Bible Fred Carlson Jeff Orr
Dave Tavernese Cindy Tavernese
Motion by Councilmember Simonelli to approve the November 18, 2024, council meeting minutes. Seconded by Councilmember Orr. All in favor. Motion carried.
BILLS Motion by Councilmember Simonelli to approve payment of the bills. Seconded by Councilmember Drushel. All in favor. Motion carried. Councilmember Miller requested that the bill for $780.00 for the Recreation Board not be paid by the borough.·The $780.00 will be paid by the Recreation Board. Councilmember Miller asked if the bill for $600.00 for the part time officer’s uniforms would stay if the part timer quits. Chief Rafferty said the uniform stays with the department.
COMMUNITY COMMENTS President Mitcho asked if there were any comments from the community and the audience remained quiet.
COMMITTEES Dave Tavernese interrupted the meeting and asked about Waste Management not picking up garbage. Mr. Stubenbort said that he is working with WM to improve service. The WM issue is county wide and has been on the news. Bev Bible mentioned that the service is an issue, but the contract has assured that the prices have remained the same for the past three years. President Mitcho mentioned that in the last 46 months we have collected 280,230 pounds of glass.
President Mitcho reported that A. F. Dobler held an election of officers. Rick Meyer will remain Chief and Branden Shultz is Assistant Chief. Tim Vargulich is President and Fred Hyde is Vice President. The donation box in the lobby has been there 7 years and has collected $25,538.58.
The Chamber had a successful 321 Christmas promotion. Mayor Burton mentioned that Officer Zuern held a successful food drive on December 15, 2024. The Christian Cupboard received more than $2,000.00 in cash and collected more than 2000 pounds of nonperishable food. Chief Rafferty reported that Officer Zuern and Officer Hughes participated in the “Shop with a Hero” program which provides Christmas Gifts for children and their families. Chief Rafferty mentioned that the new INTOXILYZER 9000 (used for DUI testing) has been delivered and training will take place soon.
The terms for the following board members are up for reappointment by Council.
Zoning Hearing Board Civil Service Commission
Chris McNally (3 years) Kenny Lyons (6years)
Recreation Board George Drushel (2 years)
Motion by Councilmember Simonelli to approve the appointments as listed. Seconded by Councilmember Wright. All in favor. Motion Carried.
The proposed 2025 Budget has been prepared for Council approval. The Budget in the amount of $7,063,859.00 is in balance and keeps the present borough real-estate taxes at 2.89. The proposed budget also includes a $2.00 per month increase in the water base rate and a .0151 kWh increase in the electric rate. I respectfully request Council to vote favorably on the proposed budget. Motion by Councilmember Drushel to approve the tentative budget for 2025, in the amount of $7,063,859.00. Seconded by Councilmember Wright. All in favor. Motion carried.
On or about December 5-8, 2024 , a Lake Effect Winter Storm has caused or threatened to cause injmy, damage, and suffering to the persons and property of Girard Borough; and the Lake Effect Winter Storm endangered the health, safety and welfare of a substantial number of persons residing in Girard Borough, and threatened to create problems greater in scope than Girard Borough may be able to resolve; and emergency management measures are required to reduce the severity of this disaster and to protect the health, safety and welfare of affected residents in Girard Borough; pursuant to the provisions of Section 7501 of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Services Code, (35 PA C.S., Section 7501), as amended, we do hereby declare the existence of a disaster emergency in Girard Borough. Motion by Councilmember Simonelli to approve the Disaster Emergency Declaration for the 2024 Lake Effect Winter Storm. Seconded by Councilmember Orr. All in favor. Motion Carried.
Resolution 1-12-2024 will allow A. F Dobler Hose and West County Paramedics as Dual Responders for Basic Life Support and Quick Response Support ambulance calls. Motion by Councilmember Drushel to approve Resolution 1-12-2024 approving dual responder notification to the Erie County Emergency Management Service Dispatch. Seconded by Councilmember Miller. All in favor. Motion Carried.
Resolution 2-12-2024 will set the tax millage at 2.89, has been properly advertised and will require a vote from Council. Motion by Councilmember Orr to approve Resolution 2-12-2024 setting the 2025 tax millage at 2.89. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in favor. Motion Carried.
Resolution 3-12-2024 will raise electric rates by $0.0151 kWh each month. If a household uses 850 kWh in a month the increase will be about $13.84 per month. This rate change will cover costs for capacity, transmission and generation cost increases. This increase will also be used to cover the added costs of a fifth full time Police Officer, a 10th person added to the Public Works Department and a part time Code Enforcement Officer. Motion by Councilmember Wright to approve Resolution 3-12-2024 raising electric rates by $0.0151 kWh. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in favor. Motion Carried.
Resolution 4-12-2024 will raise water rates by $2.00 each month. Motion by Councilmember Wright to approve Resolution 4-12-2024 raising water base rates by $2.00 each month. Seconded by Councilmember Drushel. All in favor. Motion Carried.
Resolution 5-12-2024 reaffirms the police mutual aid agreement between Lake City Borough and Girard Borough. Motion by Councilmember Simonelli to approve Resolution 5-12-2024 reaffirming the police mutual aid agreement between Lake City Borough and Girard Borough for the year 2025. Seconded by Councilmember Miller. All in favor. Motion Carried.
Resolution 6-12-2024 – Girard Borough, along with other AMP members, entered into the American Municipal Power R.I.C.E. (reciprocating internal combustion engine) Peaking Project Power Sales Contract for a share of the Power Sales Contract Resources.
Volvo/PowerSecure has increased the generation output of the reciprocating internal combustion engines while providing the same maintenance schedule and warranty without a resulting rate increase; and the PSC permits an increase in shares as a result of rerating but prohibits AMP from increasing the Participants’ allocation of PSCR Shares in an amount greater than any maximum amount specified by such Participant pursuant to the legislation authorizing execution of the PSC. Participant’s authorizing legislation caps Participant’s PSCR Share at an amount below the revised PSCR Share resulting from the increase in generation output. Municipality authorizes its PSCR Share to increase up to a nominal amount of 1,430 kilowatts.
Motion by Councilmember Orr to approve Resolution 6-12-2024 authorizing Girard Borough to increase its PSCR Share to increase up to a nominal amount of 1,430 kilowatts. Seconded by Councilmember Drushel. All in favor. Motion Carried.
The new traffic lights at Rice, Main and Chestnut were blinking on December 8, 2024. The company that installed the equipment arrived on Monday December 9, 2024 and was able to restore the traffic lights. The cause for the error is still being investigated but they believe it may have been a preemption error.
Councilmember Simonelli commented that some residents on Myrtle Street have garbage out in the road waiting for pickup which may be a safety issue for automobiles.
Councilmember Drushel said that the Downtown Inc. free Turkey Dinner had 75 people in attendance. The new pool furniture will cost $33,549.00 and half that amount has already been raised through a grant. The new furniture includes 11 tables, 44 arm chairs and 32 sling arms.
Councilmember Miller requested information from American Municipal Power asking if Girard High School students applied for the college grant. The Elk Creek Recreation Board Santa is already booked for 2025. The Recreation Board Christmas Tree Contest is underway. The winners have been selected and posted.
Meeting adjourned at 7:09 p.m. for a five-minute break before going into executive session.
At 7:15 p.m., President Mitcho asked for an executive session to discuss personnel and legal matters.
The regular meeting was called back into session at 8:21 p.m. No other information was discussed.
ADJOURN Motion by Councilmember Orr and seconded by Councilmember Simonelli to adjourn at 8:22 p.m. All in favor.
Robert A. Stubenbort Borough Manager