May 17, 2021







Council in regular session was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. President McNally presiding.

Dennis McNally, President Alfred Noble, Vice President Peter Burton

Kathy Lyons Jeanne Miller Gregg Mitcho Robert “Doc” Orr

Robert Stubenbort, Borough Manager Robert Kremenik, Mayor

Joseph Yochim, Solicitor Mark Corey, Engineer

Kevin Rafferty, Chief of Police

Dennis McDonald, Public Works Supervisor

Shirley Hall

Sandy Rhodes, WCNJ Jim Simonelli

Ginger  Cinti Bev  Bible Cheryl Niebauer Robin Roberts

Jonathan Cozzens

Motion made by Councilmember Orr to approve the minutes from the April 19, 2021 council meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Burton. All in favor. Motion carried.

Councilmember Mitcho asked about the purchase order for a new platform for the bucket truck. Mr. Stubenbort said the truck was damaged while taking down a tree in the Girard Cemetery. The liability is high for that truck therefore any repairs are costly. The annual inspection will also be done at that time. Motion made by Councilmember Lyons to approve the bills. Seconded by Councilmember Noble. All in favor. Motion carried.

Cheryl Niebauer, 310 Miles Avenue, addressed council. She has two curb lawn trees that have branches entwined in the power lines and the roots of the trees have lifted the sidewalks. Councilmember Noble asked if the trees are healthy. Ms. Niebauer said one tree has caught on fire twice. Mr. Stubenbort explained it is the  homeowner’s  responsibility to maintain the sidewalk. Councilmember Miller asked if the trees have been trimmed. Ms. Niebauer said the one tree was trimmed after the fire. President McNally said the borough would look at the trees. Ms. Niebauer thanked council.

Shirley Hall said Larry Russell would like to take on a project of painting fire hydrants.  If the  borough  will buy the  paint, he will enlist  about twenty volunteers and would have it completed by Dan Rice Days. She said they have already repainted the  posts in  front of the G.A.I.D.C. Councilmember  Mitcho said the fire department  would not  object. Mr. Stubenbort  said for  Mr.  Russell to speak with the Public Works Supervisor and the Water Operator to make sure the paint is applied properly. There are one hundred fifty-eight hydrants in the borough. President McNally said it sounds like a good idea. Ms. Hall thanked council.



PERSONNEL                  Councilmember Mitcho said Dobler Hose has a campaign to improve the visability and post numbers on mailboxes in Girard Borough and Township. The reflective, high visibility signs will be available to order through the annual fund drive. The signs will be made available to mount vertically or horizontally.


SIDEWALKS                   Councilmember Burton said in council’s packet there is a list compiled back in 2019 of one hundred twenty-two homes that need their sidewalks repaired. Mr. Stubenbort and Councilmember Burton will revise the list before sending a brief letter requiring them to make repairs. Councilmember Burton would like to include a “mail back” card in the letter allowing homeowners to choose their course of action; fix the sidewalks on their own, enlist the borough’s help with the sidewalk program or do nothing and let the borough lien the property.

Councilmember Lyons asked if it’s a good idea to send all of the letters out at once. She thinks one hundred twenty-two homeowners would have a hard time finding concrete services to do the repairs within the allotted time. Mr.

Stubenbort verified the ordinance gives a thirty-day time frame. Councilmember Mitcho said the letter should include the borough ordinance about sidewalks and Councilmember Lyons agreed. Councilmember Mitcho also mentioned he’s uncomfortable with the proposed third option on the “mail back” card about choosing to let the borough lien the property; it should not be an option for homeowners to decide. President McNally agreed with Councilmember Mitcho that it is the  borough’s decision to  lien a property. Councilmember Burton agreed the  wording of the  third option will be revised. President  McNally  said no motion is needed for  the letter, just proceed. Councilmember  Lyons would like a copy of the letter emailed to council before it gets mailed out. Mr.

Stubenbort said in previous sidewalk letters he’s included just excerpts of the ordinance, and the proposed letter, as is, is not enforceable. President McNally said council could authorize Mr. Stubenbort to amend the ordinance to make it sixty days, if necessary. Councilmember Mitcho agrees with Councilmember Burton that a lot of talking has been done about sidewalk repairs, but action is needed.





Councilmember Orr reported that Edinboro will be collaborating with WECEMA on school projects with pools within the territory. If a public event is to be held, such as a meeting, WECEMA would like to be a part of it.

Louis Ludwig is the newest part time officer to be hired. Officer Matson went to specialized training offered by the PA State Police for Interviews and Interrogations.

A resolution suspending Chapter 112, Alcoholic Beverages, of the Girard Borough Municipal Code during a celebration scheduled on June 24, 2021. Motion made by Councilmember Mitcho to approve Resolution 1-5-2021. Seconded by Councilmember Burton. All in favor. Motion carried.

The annual Elk Valley Garden Club plant sale will take place Friday May 21st and Saturday May 22nd, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 3: 00 p.m. Please give your support.


Scheduled on Monday May 315

2021 is the Girard American Legion Post #494

Memorial Day Parade. The parade will form in the municipal parking lot at 1:00p.m. and will start at 2:00 p.m. The parade route is the same: West on Vine Street, South on Rice Avenue, East on Main Street and North on Church Street to the Cemetery.


On June 5th

2021 the Color Run begins at 9:00 a.m. The route starts at EVES, on

Lake Street to the High School and back to EVES.





The borough pool will open on June 12th, 2021. Mr. Stubenbort asked Public Works Supervisor Dennis McDonald to pick up paint and paint supplies at Sherwin Williams for the pool floor.

The Girard/Lake City Chamber of Commerce will host a Shred Day on June 12, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Girard Borough Municipal parking lot.

A voter registration group will be set up in Wells Park on June 12, 2021.

Solicitor Joe Yochim is signed up for the PA Bar Institute Municipal Law Colloquium which is online this year on June 18, 2021. This is a continuing education credit course required by all PA Attorneys each year. The cost for the course is $299.00. Motion made by Councilmember Lyons to approve $299.00 for Solicitor Yochim to attend the online course with the PA Bar Institute.

Seconded by Councilmember Mitcho. All in favor. Motion carried.







More information about the American Rescue Plan is coming forward. Girard Borough is estimated to receive $288,000.00. One half of that money should be received in 2021 and the other half in 2022. The Walnut Street Water Tank Project is an example of how that money could be spent.

A demolition bid should be awarded by the Erie County Land Bank Board on June 9, 2021. The building should be razed within forty-five days of the award.

The Water Department Risk and Resilience Assessments for Girard Borough are due and will take time to complete. Part of the Assessment will involve updating the Emergency Response Plan and entering it into the new format. America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA} outlines the requirement for the completion of the risk assessment for public water utilities.

The grant for the basketball court has been submitted through ECGRA. It is a

$25,000.00 matching grant to be awarded June 17, 2021. The school district has Pickle Ball courts set up at the tennis courts. The borough could aid the school district by donating removable nets. The cost is $1700.00 for each. Mr.

Stubenbort recommends to council that the borough donate two nets to the school district for the Pickle Ball courts. Councilmember Miller said the school is looking to resurface the courts; however, the cost might prohibit it from being done this year. Motion made by Councilmember Lyons to purchase two, up to three Pickle Ball nets for the Girard School District. Seconded by Councilmember Noble. All in favor. Motion carried.

Dobler Hose is asking for donations for reflective street number signs. The signs, for homeowners and businesses, would help first responders in finding addresses during emergencies. Mr.  Stubenbort requests council donate to Dobler Hose to have a street number sign for the borough building.

Councilmember Lyons added the Public Works Garage should get a sign too. Councilmember Mitcho requested the borough social hall to get one as well, especially for voting purposes, and recommends all of the signs for the borough be mounted vertically. Council agreed to the donation to Dobler Hose for reflective signs.

Shirley Hall spoke earlier in the meeting during Community Comments about the Fire Hydrant project.

Public Works will install a new fire hydrant at 206 Wilcox Street on May 18, 2021. Notices were given to homes that would be affected. Councilmember Miller asked if all the new hydrants are in. Dennis McDonald said they are not all installed yet, just in stock. President McNally asked if the hydrant on Templeton Avenue was repaired. Dennis McDonald said yes it was repaired, with plans to replace it.

Mr. Stubenbort reminded council that Hathaway, Haggerty and Church Streets might be closed for National Fuel Gas work. A new gas line will be installed under the Bessemer RR Tracks.

The Gate House at the Girard Cemetery will be painted, a broken window replaced, and small repairs done. Councilmember Burton said Mickey Curran will replace the window and Larry Keith will do the painting. Councilmember Mitcho said he will serve as a host for the museum at the Carriage House on Memorial Day.

Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m. for a five-minute break before going into executive session.


SESSION                        At 8:06 p.m., President McNally asked for an executive session to discuss personnel and legal matters.


MEETING                     The regular meeting was called back into session at 9:09 p.m.

No other issues were discussed.

ADJOURN                      Motion by Councilmember Orr and seconded by Councilmember Burton to adjourn at 9:10 p.m. All in favor.

Robert A. Stubenbort Borough Manager