August 21, 2023





Council in regular session was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in council chambers. President McNally presiding.

Dennis McNally, President Alfred Noble, Vice President Robert “Doc” Orr

Jeanne Miller Gregg Mitcho Jim Simonelli Doug Wright

Robert Stubenbort, Borough Manager Joseph Yochim, Solicitor

Mark Corey, Engineer

Kevin Rafferty, Chief of Police

Dennis McDonald, Public Works Supervisor

Alfred Noble, Vice President Peter Burton, Mayor

Ginger Cinti Larry Russell Shirley Hall Tim Knapp Mark Schultz Raymond Fate

Dorothy Baldwin Patricia Howell Nancy Bronstein Issy Lawrie Melinda Meyer Jacqulyn Polka Kim Hyde

MINUTES                              Motion by Councilmember Wright to approve the July 17, 2023 council meeting minutes. Seconded by Councilmember Orr. All in favor. Motion carried.

BILLS                                      Councilmember Mitcho asked about the $19,000.00 expense for Del Pac for the WWTP. Borough Manager Stubenbort said that it is a required chemical for the plant. It is a coagulant used to reduce or eliminate the need of alkali for pH adjustment. Motion by Councilmember Mitcho to approve payment of the bills.

Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in favor. Motion carried.

COMMUNITY REPORTS  Melinda Meyer explained the Master Plan process that the Girard

Downtown Inc group used for the Master Plan. The Master Plan is now complete, and Council may vote on a resolution adopting the Master Plan at the next Council Meeting.

Issy Lawrie mentioned that she does not support the County Executives Plan for a new Industrial Park in Fairview and Girard Township. Councilmember Simonelli mentioned that he does not support the Industrial Park and also does not support the new solar farm in Girard Township because both projects take away from usable farm land.

Raymond Fate explained to Council that the fire tax of one mill is not needed and that the volunteers should raise the needed money for the fire department. Mark Schultz, Treasurer for Dobler Hose and Kim Hyde, President of Dobler Hose explained the budget for Dobler hose and the fundraising for Dobler Hose. The fundraising does not keep up with the costs involved in running the fire department. President Hyde mentioned several vehicles that have needed repairs recently and the costs involved. Councilmember Mitcho explained that the fire tax would be collected by the real estate tax collector and the money would be deposited into a borough account. Council will pay for equipment needed by Dobler Hose but the day to day expenses will still need to be covered so the fund raising will not end. Mr. Fate mentioned that as the taxes go up the donations will go down. It was explained that less than 30% of people donate to the fund drive. Discussion continued.

Dorothy Baldwin commented that she does not like to see the taxes raised but was wondering why people that rent do not pay this tax. It was explained that the renter pays rent to the landlord and the landlord pays the tax.

Chief Rafferty Officer Hess has been sworn in as our newest Part Time Police Office. Our new paii time officer is being processed.

Motion by Councilmember Mitcho to approve the fire tax ordinance. Seconded by Councilmember Noble. All in favor. Motion carried.






Councilmember Mitcho mentioned that the Dobler Hose gun raffle was successful.

Chief Raffe1iy mentioned that Officer Hess has been swom in as our newest Full Time Police Office. Our new part time officer is being processed. The department will host Taser training in October.

An ordinance establishing an additional tax beginning January 1, 2024, as authorized by section 1302(a) (6) of the Pennsylvania Borough Code, to support the operations of A. F. Dobler Hose & Ladder Company our volunteer fire service. This ordinance will levy an additional tax at the rate of 1 mill on each dollar of assessed valuation, or the sum of one dollar on each one thousand dollars of assessed valuation of all real property. The borough currently pays for water and sewer service ($744.00) and the borough provides electric at whole sale. The borough also covers insurance for the fire department ($20,186.00) In addition, the borough pays a stipend of $40,800.00 a year to the fire department. Motion by Councilmember Mitcho to approve the fire tax ordinance and set the tax at 1 mil. Seconded by Councilmember Wright. Voting in favor was Councilmembers Simonelli, Wright Mitcho and Miller. Voting against was President McNally.

Councilmember Orr abstained. Motion carried.

A resolution of support from the borough council for changes to the Girard Borough Zoning Ordinance and a request for technical assistance by the Erie County Depaiiment of Planning & Community Development. Motion by Councilmember Simonelli and seconded by Councilmember Mitcho to approve Resolution 1- 8-2023. All in favor. Motion carried.

A resolution accepting the Erie County 2023 Hazard Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation Plan as developed by the Erie County

Department of Planning and Community Development and Erie County Department of Public Safety in cooperation with other county departments, and officials. The Erie County 2023 Hazard Mitigation Plan update has been approved by both PEMA and FEMA, and is now ready for adoption by Girard Borough. This is a multi-jurisdictional plan. Motion by Councilmember Mitcho and seconded by Councilmember Simonelli to approve Resolution 2-8- 2023. All in favor. Motion carried.


TANK                                     The project is complete, and the water storage tank is permitted and in full operation.

POOL                                      A request has been made to have a set of steps available for patrons at the Community Pool for those that are physically unable to use the pool ladders that are currently provided.

WCPA                                     West County Paramedics consultant Strategy Solutions is requesting that Township Supervisors and Borough Councils appoint one person to represent their governing body on the new West County Paramedics Board.

The Girard Township sent email asking if the municipalities wanted to buy Platea’s ambulance for the West County Paramedics.

SUIT-KOTE                            The total cost for sealcoat this year is $137,488.06.

With Council approval this invoice will be paid. Motion by Councilmember Wright and seconded by Councilmember Orr to adjourn at 9:36 p.m. All in favor. Councilmember Orr asked that we remember to cover storm basins next time we tar and chip.

COUNCIL COMMENTS        Councilmember Miller mentioned that the Drool at the Pool events August 22, 2023. November 24, 2023 will be light up night in Wells Park at 6:00pm. There will be a Christmas Tree Contest again this year same as last year. The Civil War Monument is sealed and should be good to three years. Downtown Girard Inc. will be honored by Preservation Erie on September 14, 2023.

Councilmember Mitcho mentioned that the PSAB Conference will be held in Erie again this year.

Meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m. for a five-minute break before going into executive session.




At 8:41 p.m., President McNally asked for an executive session to discuss personnel and legal matters.

The regular meeting was called back into session at 9:24 p.m. No other issues were discussed.

ADJOURN                              Motion by Councilmember Orr and seconded by Councilmember Simonelli to adjourn at 9:25 p.m. All in favor.

Robert A. Stubenbort Borough Manager