January 20, 2025

CALL TO ORDER                    Council in regular session was called to order at 6:00 p.m. in council

chambers. President Mitcho presiding.

PRESENT                                 Gregg Mitcho, President

Jeanne Miller, Vice President Robert “Doc” Orr

Jim Simonelli Doug Wright George Drushel

Robert Stubenbort, Borough Manager Peter Burton, Mayor

Joseph Yochim, Solicitor via phone conference Mark Corey, Engineer

Kevin Rafferty, Chief of Police

Dennis McDonald, Public Works Supervisor

ABSENT                                  Tim Knapp

VISITORS                                Michael Stafford, WCNJ Jeff Orr

Shirley Hall Larry Russell Rick Meyer

MINUTES                               Motion by Councilmember Drushel to approve the December 16, 2024, council meeting minutes. Seconded by Councilmember Wright. All in favor. Motion carried.

BILLS                                      Motion by Councilmember Orr to approve payment of the bills.

Seconded by Councilmember Miller. All in favor. Motion carried.

COMMUNITY COMMENTS     Lany Russell mentioned that the Girard Borough Police License Plate Reader works exceptionally well. Mr. Russell asked how the electric for residential customers is different for commercial customers. Mr. Stubenbort explained that industrial customers use a large volume of electricity for long periods of time and that they pay less because of the economies of scale. The adjusted rates for industrial customers is an industry wide practice in the electric provider business. Our local prices are very competitive with the local share holder owned electric providers.

COMMITTEES                         Councilmember Orr said that when a local warming shelter opens, they need to report to the West County Emergency Management Coordinator and the Red Cross. Warming shelters have special requirements for overnight and it is suggested to close the shelter over night to avoid the extra requirements.

Councilmember Wright mentioned that the West County Paramedics Association has two meetings per month. At the last meeting the discussion had to do with the assignment of West County Paramedics as the primary BLS responder. The resolution presented tonight will confirm West County Paramedics as the primary. The WCPA Board continues to deal with legacy issues from the previous board but are dealing with them as they become known. The new Director is making needed changes to make the operation run efficiently.

President Mitcho reported that A. F. Dobler will have CPR/AED training for members. This advanced training is not for the public but arrangements can be made to provide CPR training to the public.



Mayor Burton thanked Chief Meyers for working with Officer Zuern on the food drive on December 15, 2024. The Christian Cupboard received more than $2,000.00 in cash and collected more than 2000 pounds of nonperishable food. Ralphies Girard Cafe celebrated 70 years in business here on Main Street in Girard Borough. The newspaper and TV news covered the daylong event. Chief Rafferty reported that he and Officer Zuern would attend the training at Dobler hose. In the Council Package are the 2024 police statistics. In 2022 calls for service were 2442, in 2023 that number was 3013 then in 2024 there were 3736 calls for service. This does not indicate an increase in crime but it does indicate that the Police Department provides many services for this small community.


Councilmember Wright to table the ordinance pending Act 205 clarification. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in favor. Motion ca1Tied.


1/1/2025                                   This resolution will formally name West County Paramedics the primaty BLS provider for Girard Borough. This resolution will change dispatch order for ambulance calls so that if Dobler Ambulance is on duty they will be dispatched to respond to BLS calls first. If Dobler Ambulance is ACT 37 inactive then WCPA will be called to respond. Councilmember Orr said that Dobler Hose does not have the volunteers to staff the ambulance crew they used to and that is why they are responding to less calls. The lack of volunteers is a county wide issue. Dobler responded to 950 ambulance calls in 2024. Motion by Councilmember Wright to approve Resolution 1/1/2025 naming WCPA as the primaty BLS ambulance responder. Seconded by Councilmember Drushel. All in favor. Motion carried.


2/1/2025                                 Resolution 2-1-2025 Council is asked to accept liquid fuels money totaling $112,604.62 to be used for various road surfacing projects in 2025. The break down for the total is as follows:

Liquid Fuels Act 655 money is $101,747.62
Turnback Act 32 money is $2,880.00
County Liquid Fuels money is (+-) $7,977.00

Motion by Councilmember Simonelli to accept liquid fuels money totaling $112,604.62 to be used for various road surfacing projects in 2025. Seconded by Councilmember Miller. All in favor. Motion carried. Councilmember Orr asked that Public Works raise the storm water catch basins on any roads that are being seal coated. Councilmember Orr will provide a list of catch basins and turn that list in to the Borough Manager.





The PSAB Annual Conference will be held June 1-4, 2025, in Hershey PA. Councilmember Orr will attend.

Council reviewed the list of committees. President Mitcho appointed Councilmember Wright to the Personnel Committee and approved the committees list.

State Ethics Forms were presented to Council and the Borough Manager asked that the forms be returned to the borough office for filing.

After much discussion the rates for the Girard Borough Pool for 2025 were established so the pool flyers can be made.



The Girard Cross Country Boosters are planning to host the annual Race To Remember 5K. The date of the race is Saturday, February 1. The race start time is 9:30 am from Girard High School. The Booster organization is requesting Girard Borough assistance for traffic control, and if needed, snow removal.

Councilmember Drushel would like to see the C-1 zoning ordinance change so that businesses in C-1 would not be able to convert current first floor business space into apartment (s). The council agreed. The Ordinance will go to the Girard Borough Planning Commission and the Erie County Planning Department who would then make a Zoning Ordinance change recommendation to the Council. The council would vote on the recommendation of the Planning Commission.





The Randall Avenue property that went up for auction has been purchased by the Girard Borough. The final cost was $2,292.68. The Solicitor will prepare the documentation to make the property tax exempt after the deed has transferred. The property will make an excellent storm water pond at some time in the future.

The borough continues to investigate working with ECCA Payroll for our payroll needs. Freedom Systems can no longer support payroll services. We are also investigating accounting software to replace the Freedom System accounting software.

A reminder of the projects coming up…

Hathaway water storage paint project. A new safety ladder will also be needed for the storage unit.

Lead /Copper Rule and Water Meter Replacement Project. Pump Station Enclosure Project at WWTP

Reed Bed clean out at WWTP (2)

Pool filter and pool water heater replacement project and pool house water heater replacement.

An ornamental Main Street light was struck on January 16, 2025. The Girard Borough Police have provided a Police Crash Report and the information will be turned into our insurance.


Councilmember Drushel said that the new pool furniture will cost

$33,549.00 and half that amount has already been raised through a grant. The new furniture includes 11 tables, 44 arm chairs and 32 sling arms.

Mayor Burton said that the sidewalks in the C-2 Business District need plowed.

President Mitcho mentioned that Rice Avenue Library Director Rhonda Nichols has resigned and her retirement party will take place on Thursday.

Councilmember Miller mentioned that the petitions for reelection can be found online. A street list can be sent out upon request. Petitions can begin circulation on February 18th and filed by March 11th.

Councilmember Miller asked if we have cameras set up for the park behind the borough office and ifwe get complaints from homeowners that the cameras include their home. Chief Rafferty said that we have not had any complaints. The West County Communications Center will need a new Treasurer as long time Treasurer Mark Schultz is stepping down in April.

Meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m. for a five-minute break before going into executive session.


SESSION                                 At 7:53 p.m., President Mitcho asked for an executive session to discuss personnel and legal matters.

REGULAR MEETING                                The regular meeting was called back into session at 8:55 p.m.

No other information was discussed.

ADJOURN                                Motion by Councilmember Orr and seconded by Councilmember Drushel to adjourn at 8:56 p.m. All in favor.

Robert A. Stubenbort Borough Manager