June 17, 2024



Council in regular session was called to order at 6:00 p.m. in council chambers. President Mitcho presiding.

Gregg Mitcho, President Jeanne Miller, Vice President Robeti “Doc” Orr

Doug Wright Tim Knapp George Drushel Jim Simonelli

Robeti Stubenb01i, Borough Manager Peter Bmion, Mayor

Joseph Yochim, Solicitor Mark Corey, Engineer

Kevin Rafferty, Chief of Police

Dennis McDonald, Public Works Supervisor

VISITORS    Ginger Cinti, Lake City Council Michael Stafford, WCNJ

Laura DiPasqua Simone Welsh Nikki Moyer Jeff Orr

Al Noble




Motion by Councilmember Drushel to approve the May 20, 2024 council meeting minutes. Seconded by Councilmember Wright. Councilmember Simonelli would like to change the minutes to reflect that he mentioned that Mr. Podpora was interested in the Code Enforcement position and not that he would take the open position. Council agreed to the change. All in favor. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilmember Orr to approve payment of the bills. Seconded by Councilmember Knapp. All in favor. Motion carried.

Nikki Moyer from “Light Up Hope” requested use of the Girard Borough Municipal Pool for the fund raiser for her charity. Nikki Moyer from “Light Up Hope” is requesting a Summer Solstice night time swim party from 8-10pm. She would like to collect an admission fee, sell concessions, and have a Chinese Auction to benefit her organization.

After discussion Council agreed to get back with Nikki Moyer at a later date.

Simone Welsh thanked Council for their help with the Art Walk. This year 163 people participated in the Art Walk Promotion visiting all of the locations involved. Artist were happy with the turn out and the sales. Surveys were distributed to the artists and business so improvements can be made for next year.


Councilmember Wright explained that the four communities from the Multi-Municipal Emergency Service Commission decided to rejoin the West County Paramedics and pay for Advanced Life Support services retroactive to the beginning of 2024 and be represented on the board. There is a possibility that $136,000.00 may be donated to WCPA through an estate which will help the overall financial situation.

President Mitcho reported that A. F. Dobler Hose received their first installment of Fire Tax money from the Girard Township in the amount of $54,451.93. On June 4th the police conducted taser instructor training at Dobler Hose and 22 outside departments participated. Because Girard hosted, we received free training for two of our officers. President

Mitcho reported that A. F. Dobler Hose will have water rescue training at the Girard Borough Community Pool on July 25, 2024 from 7:00PM to 9:00 PM and that Lake City Fire Department is also invited. Motion by Councilmember Drushel to approve use of the pool for training.

Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in favor. Motion carried.

Mr. Scott Russell from the school district met with the Council Park Committee at Water Works Park to discuss grooming of trails for cross country meets during the school year. If allowed the park would be the home of cross country for Girard School District. Councilmember Wright mentioned that one part of the trail has a stream that is currently spanned with wood rails and planking that would need to be upgraded. Councilmember Wright asked that Borough Engineer Mark Corey look at the current stream crossing and make a recommendation. Typically, Girard will host three Cross Country meets per season.



Mayor Burton mentioned that the Block Party is June 20, 2024. Mayor Burton reported that Mr. Phillips, 712 Pine Tree thanked the borough for paving Pine Tree Drive.

Chief Raffe1iy said that Taser and TAC training took place since the last Council Meeting. Chief Raffe1iy requested to hire a part time officer to replace a pati timer that is leaving the area. Motion by Councilmember Simonelli to approve hiring two part time officers. Seconded by Councilmember Knapp. All in favor. Motion carried.

President Mitcho mentioned that Magistrate Jeff Gadley has made himself available by phone 24 hours a day to Girard Borough Police. This is helpful in expediting the needs of our police department. Chief Rafferty said that Judge Gadley has also made Constables available for transpo1iation of suspects to prison before arraignment.

Girard Borough Engineer Mark Corey P. E. explained that the Department of Environmental Protection inspects water systems eve1y

three years. The new inspector found forty-nine issues that need addressed with the Girard Water Department. Forty-eight of these issues are basic housekeeping or simply recommendations and can be addressed without issue. The 49th issue involves how the Butternut Well is plumbed and will involve replumbing the well at expense to the borough so that a chlorine degradation monitoring station can be properly placed.






On June 9, 2024 the borough pool opened. The Public Works Department welded the old filter back to working condition so we could open on time. The statiing block pads have been resurfaced with new grip coating. Promotion requests were discussed for Council consideration.

July 4th Free Hotdog 1-7 pm for all customers. Dan Rice Night movie 8-10PM Open Pool

Extra night swim 8-10PM Open Pool No movie. No adult swim that night. Open Pool.

Council decided to allow for all the mentioned pool promotions.

Issy Lawrie is organizing volunteers to pull the invasive species of Japanese Stillgrass from the Water Works Park. She is meeting with State Forester Steve Laskowski on June 27, 2024 at 9:30 am at the Water Works Park Pavilion to organize the event.

The new Ford F350 will be purchased for the Public Works Depatiment and a current truck will be assigned to the Water Depatiment. The cost of the truck is $50,037.00 and the snow plow will be extra. Motion by Councilmember Orr to purchase the Ford F 350 for the Public Works Depatiment in the amount of $50,037.00. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in favor. Motion carried.

The Erie County Association of Boroughs summer meeting is scheduled for July 17, 2024 at the Albion Borough Park. The meeting starts at 6:30 pm.

Manager Stubenbort spoke briefly about the current projects in the borough.

CDBG ADA Ramps for Mechanic Street. Awarded to XL Excavating. Engineer Mark Corey P.E. explained that the original grant request included all of Mechanic Street but only part of the money was awarded so the project that went out for bid was smaller to accommodate the money allotted. The CDBG bids were opened by the County and the bid received from XL Excavating was lower than anticipated. A change order to the bid project will allow the project to include all of Mechanic Street and use all of the allotted grant money. The borough may need to pay a small amount of money to cover the entire cost of the project.

The Water Tank Painting for the Hathaway and Westgate Water Storage Tanks was awarded to Eagle Eye Industrial Services.

Lourdes Drive Culvert Project was awarded to Leach Excavation.





The Zoning Hearing Board will change the time of the meetings to 6:00 PM when needed. The Current meeting start time is 7:00pm.

The borough is waiting to receive a price to have the Main Street parking lines laminated instead of painting. Councilmember Simonelli said that he measured the distance from Mechanic Street to the driveway at the Steadman Law Firm and the borough could add a fourth parking spot.

Councilmember Simonelli said Chief Rafferty approved the change to add another parking spot. The compact car parking space at the corner of Myrtle should be eliminated because it is too close to the corner which creates a safety issue.

Councilmember Simonelli invited Mr. Noble to speak before Council since he did not know that the meetings now start at 6:00 PM. Mr. Noble mentioned that our side street crosswalks do not meet specifications for the way they are painted. Mr. Noble complained about the condition of the Gaty Miller Chevy garage with the high weeds. Chief Raffetiy said that a letter was sent on June 7th to address the Gary Miller Chevy garage situation. The play ground still has the old basketball poles and they should be removed. The playground mulch should be replaced with triple ground mulch and rubber pads. Councilmember Knapp asked if we hired a Code enfacement Officer. Councilmember Simonelli said that the Code Officer will send a letter but not confront them. The Mayor said that they give them 10 days to rectify and then go back in 10 days to see if its rectified. Chief Rafferty said that they get five days from the date that they received the letter. The Mayor asked if the line painting could be preapproved. The Mayor asked if Painter Rick did the line painting for the Main Street Project. Councilman Simonelli said that he had several complaints that the parking lines were not painted in time for the Ati Walk. Mr. Stubenbort said that he would let Council know what the cost is for the laminated parking lines. Councilmember Drushel asked Engineer Mark Corey if Painter Rick would do a good job. Mr. Corey responded positively. Mayor Burton asked Mr. Corey if the water Tower in front of PHB was using the same paint company as the borough and if they will build a tent around our water tanks during the project. Mr.

Corey said that they will not use a tent for the Westgate Tank but will use a tent to paint the Hathaway Tank. Mr. Noble asked if we were going to put something on the tower again. Mr. Corey said the Girard Yellow Jacket would be placed on the Hathaway Tank.

The Pine Tree Drive road resurfacing project is complete. Please find attached the invoice from Lindy Paving in the amount of $118,665.06. Motion by Councilmember Drushel to approve payment of the invoice from Lindy Paving in the amount of $118,665.06. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. Councilmember Drushel asked Councilmember Wright if he was able to get the grass planted on his property from the National Fuel work that was done on his street. Councilmember Wright said that he called Gerlach’s and he is waiting for a response. Councilmember Wright said that he believes they are waiting for grass growing season. President Mitcho called for a vote to pay Lindy Paving. All in favor. Motion carried.




Please find enclosed a partial drawing of the PENNDOT right of way of the corner of Main Street and Rice Avenue. The drawing includes a storm water dry well in the PENNDOT right of way.

Shawn Wroblewsky EMC is requesting feedback concerning the emergency siren. Council discussed the use of the emergency siren. Mr. Noble said the siren should be higher in the air. Ms. Laura DiPasqua said she has been living in the borough for so long that she does not pay attention to the siren. Councilmember Simonelli said that Doppler Radar is coming back to Erie County and currently by the time he gets notification on his phone the weather has passed on to Fairview.

Councilmember Drushel said that Lindy Paving did a great job paving Pine Tree Drive. Mr. Stubenbort said he would pass on the compliment to Pat Traut from Lindy Paving.

Councilmember Drushel would like the Pool Committee to get together to talk about pool issues and future projects. The Air B&B Ordinance Committee also needs to get together. Councilmember Drushel would like council to enact an ordinance to prevent Main Street buildings zoned C-1 from converting first floor businesses to rentals.

Councilmember Orr reported that the PSAB has a list of resolutions from boroughs and will work to get those resolutions made into laws.

Councilmember Miller said the softball fields look good and have been maintained. The dog clean up bags are being used. Erie County Planning held a meeting at the borough as part of their outreach. At the meeting Jessica Horan mentioned that grant money is available from the County. The shred day only resulted in five patiicipants. President Mitcho said that this year Fairview held their shred day at the same time as ours.

Councilmember Miller would like to resume work on the ordinance concerning RVs and campers. Councilmember Knapp asked if we are working on the camper ordinance for one camper. Councilmember Knapp said that he believes no changes should be made to restrict campers. Councilmember Simonelli asked Councilmember Miller how many bridges in Erie County need replaced. Councilmember Miller explained that according to the County three bridges need replaced.

Councilmember Drushel asked when Main Street would be complete. Mr. Stubenbort said that the project could be complete as early as the end of July but only if all goes well.

Meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m. for a five-minute break before going into executive session.



At 7:52 p.m., President Mitcho asked for an executive session to discuss personnel and legal matters.

The regular meeting was called back into session at 8:56 p.m.

PERSONNEL           Motion by Councilmember Miller to hire Grace Kizina as Code

Enforcement Officer. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. Voting in favor are Councilmembers Knapp, Simonelli, Wright, Drushel, Miller and Mitcho. Opposed is Councilmember Orr. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilmember Miller to hire two Public Works Employees. Seconded by Councilmember Orr. All in favor. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilmember Miller to accept the resignation of Patty Norton. Seconded by Councilmember Drushel. All in favor. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilmember Miller to send old Police Car 30 to auction at a reserve bid of $5,000.00. Seconded by Councilmember Wright. All in favor. Motion carried.



Motion by Councilmember Wright to allow Nikki Moyer from “Light Up Hope” to have a Summer Solstice night time swim fundraiser on June 20, 2024 from 8-10pm with a movie at the borough pool with the condition that only donations could be accepted for entrance and a financial rep011, for the event, be turned in to the borough after the event. Seconded by Councilmember Knapp. All in favor. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilmember Orr and seconded by Councilmember Knapp to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. All in favor.

Robet A. Stubenb0t Borough Manager