July 18, 2022

CALL TO ORDER Council in regular session was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in council
chambers. President McNally presiding.
PRESENT Dennis McNally, President
Alfred Noble, Vice President
Jeanne Miller
Gregg Mitcho
Robert “Doc” Orr
Jim Simonelli
Doug Wright
Robert Stubenbort, Borough Manager
Peter Burton, Mayor
Joseph Yochim, Solicitor
Kevin Rafferty, Chief of Police
Dennis McDonald, Public Works Supervisor
ABSENT Mark Corey, Engineer

Shirley Hall
Larry Russell
Dorothy Ebert
Ed Blystone
Mary Pfiel

MINUTES Motion by Councilmember Wright to approve the minutes from the
June 20, 2022 council meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Orr. All
in favor. Motion carried.

BILLS Councilmember Orr asked about the battery for the screener, the
engineering bill for the Public Works resurfacing and pointed out that the
last entry on section six is labeled incorrectly. Motion by Councilmember
Wright to approve the bills with the exception of the bidding package bill
from Engineer Mark Corey. Seconded by Councilmember Orr. All in
favor. Motion carried.

COMMUNITY COMMENTS Shirley Hall mentioned that Sherwin Williams will give the borough two
gallons of paint at a $25.00 discount to repaint the fire hydrants that have
turned from red to pink. Larry Russel mentioned that the volunteer group
is painting the available sign posts in the borough green.
Ed Blystone complained about the fireworks recently set off by a



PERSONNEL Councilmember Mitcho said that the former Heartland building was used
for training and was burnt to the ground. The fire raged for a short time
and some equipment was lost. The fire department will require proof of a
current driver’s license from all of the volunteer firefighter’s ambulance

drivers to ensure only qualified personnel will drive the fire and
ambulance equipment. The fire department continues to struggle with
equipment repairs.


1-7-2022 A resolution suspending Chapter 112, Alcoholic
Beverages, of the Girard Borough Municipal Code
during Dan Rice Days. Motion by Councilmember Noble to approve
Resolution 1-7-2022. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in
favor. Motion carried.

COURTS July 14, 2022 the lines are now painted on the new basketball court and
the project is complete. Now that the line painting is complete the final
project payment can be made.

POOL UPDATE On average the borough pool will sell 250 to 275 passes per season, so far,
this year, more than 883 passes have been sold.

ECBA MEETING The Erie County Boroughs Association Picnic is Tuesday July 19, 2022 at
Platea Park. Begins at 6:30 PM

PSAB CONFERENCE This year the Fall PSAB Conference is October 14-16, 2022
At the Wyndham in Gettysburg.

BOARD One open seat for alternate is available on the Zoning Hearing Board.
Marybeth Traut has sent a letter of interest for the position on the Zoning
Hearing Board. Cheryl Newton has sent a letter of interest for the position
on the Zoning Hearing Board. Council discussed the candidates. Motion
by Councilmember Mitcho to appoint Cheryl Newton as an alternate on
the Zoning Hearing Board. Seconded by Councilmember Wright. All in
favor. Motion carried.

PAYROLL The Borough Manager explained that the new biweekly payroll system is
up and running. Almost all of the direct deposit forms have been turned

GARDEN CLUB The Elk Valley Garden Club BLUE STAR Memorial Dedication
Ceremony will be on Saturday August 20, 2022 at 2:00 PM at the Girard
Borough Social Hall. Council was asked to RSVP
heather.pier@girardsd.org by August 14, 2022.

SUN DIAL A request has been made to remove the broken sun dial in Wells Park.
This would allow a better view of the BLUE STAR Plaque and the statue
of the stag. Council agreed to allow the sundial to be removed.


PARK State Forester Steve Laskowski reported that the Water Works Park
management plan is almost complete. The park has been evaluated for the
type of trees and locations for future growth (stand typing). Some more

time is required to complete the management plan. More invasive plants
were located, and Steve will make a call to have the invasive plants
eradicated before the timber sale.

UTILITY POLES Communication has been made with Spectrum and Verizon to move lines
from abandon poles to new poles. Both have responded positively.

SIDEWALKS Follow up from letters sent last year is underway. New sidewalk issues are
documented. Councilmember Simonelli asked that the borough follow-up
with the gas company to install sidewalks in the National Fuel property on
Walnut Street.

ECGRA MEETING The Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority will hold a listening session
on July 19, 2022 at 1:00 PM at the Girard Borough Social Hall. Girard
Borough, Lake City Borough and the Downtown Committee members
are invited to talk with the ECGRA administration.

RENTAL ORDINANCE Councilmember Miller provided the short-term rental ordinance from
Summit Township. Council is asked to review the ordinance for
comment/consideration. President McNally appointed a special
committee consisting of Councilmembers Noble, Miller, and Simonelli to
investigate this matter and report back to council with a recommendation.


TERMINATION Council is asked to terminate the July 9, 2018 water agreement with Lake
City. The enclosed letter from Lake City expresses thanks to Girard
Borough for being prepared to provide water before the new water line
was installed. Motion by Councilmember Simonelli to terminate the water
agreement with Lake City Borough. Seconded by Councilmember Noble.
All in favor. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm for a five-minute break before going into
executive session.


SESSION At 8:39 p.m., President McNally asked for an executive session to discuss
personnel and legal matters.


MEETING The regular meeting was called back into session at 9:25 p.m.
MISC. Councilmember Miller mentioned that an EMTA bus would be at Dan
Rice Days and an EMTA representative would be available to answer

ADJOURN Motion by Councilmember Orr and seconded by Councilmember
Simonelli to adjourn at 9:28 p.m. All in favor.

Robert A. Stubenbort
Borough Manager