August 15, 2022
CALL TO ORDER Council in regular session was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in council
chambers. President McNally presiding.
PRESENT Dennis McNally, President
Alfred Noble, Vice President
Jeanne Miller
Gregg Mitcho
Robert “Doc” Orr
Jim Simonelli
Peter Burton, Mayor
Joseph Yochim, Solicitor
Kevin Rafferty, Chief of Police
Dennis McDonald, Public Works Supervisor
ABSENT Robert Stubenbort, Borough Manager
Mark Corey, Engineer
Doug Wright
Shirley Hall
Larry Russell
Ginger Cinti
Libby Rosequist
MINUTES Motion by Councilmember Noble to approve the July council meeting
minutes in September. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All
in favor. Motion carried.
BILLS Council discussed the bill from Engineer Mark Corey for the Public
Works Parking Area Project tabled from the last meeting. Motion by
Councilmember Al Noble to approve the bill for Engineer Mark Corey.
Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. Voting in favor Councilmembers
Miller, Simonelli and President McNally. Voting against Councilmember
Mitcho, Noble and Orr. Because of the tie vote Mayor Burton voted in
favor of paying the bill. Motion carried. Motion by Councilmember Noble
to approve payment of the other bills. Seconded by Councilmember Orr.
All in favor. Motion carried.
PERSONNEL Councilmember Mitcho said that the ticket sales have been good for the
A. F. Dober Hose and Ladder Company fundraiser.


SIDE WALKS Councilmember Simonelli said that he believes that people do not read
the bill message because he is still receiving complaints about all of the
sidewalks. Councilmember Miller asked what the best way would be to get
the message to the property owners. Councilmember Noble said that he
would like to publish a quarterly newsletter.

MAYOR Mayor Burton mentioned that the police did not know about national
night out until the last minute and suggested that Chief Rafferty get in
touch with them earlier next year to avoid any confusion. Chief Rafferty
and Officer Zuern participated in Operation Nighthawk and no DUIs
were issued in Girard Borough.

REPORT Mayor Burton reported that 250 Mayors were in attendance for the
2022 Mayors conference. Radar H.B 606 may pass in 2022 allowing local
police to use radar speed detection devices which cost $3,500.00.
H.B 2157-2022 would revoke Act 43 of 2017. Fireworks would be
restricted to July 2,3,4 and January 31 until 1:00 am. Grants are
available for body cameras. License Plate Readers pay for themselves in
a year at a cost of $28,000.00. Mayor Burton mentioned that the Girard
Borough website does not have any information having to do with

ORDINANCE An ordinance amending ordinance 521, approved March 16, 1981, and
cited as “The Borough of Girard Zoning Ordinance.”
The Girard Planning Commission did review the non-commercial keeping
of poultry, equine, domestic animals and apiaries (honey bees) ordinance
at the Planning Commission meeting on August 9, 2022. The Planning
Commission recommends that Council further review the ordinance
before passage. Council agreed to review the ordinance further and send it
back to the Planning Commission.

GLASS RECYCLING Prism Glass is requesting $760.00 from those participating in the glass
recycling program. Prism will continue making changes to eliminate the
need for direct funding in the future. Council agreed to pay the invoice
and continue to support glass recycling.

GARDEN CLUB The Elk Valley Garden Club BLUE STAR Memorial Dedication
Ceremony will be on Saturday August 20, 2022 at 2:00 PM at the Girard
Borough Social Hall. Councilmember Noble mentioned that the Girard
American Legion Post 494 will attend.

911 CERAMONY On September 11, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. a commemoration ceremony
coordinated by American Legion Post # 494 will take place just as it has
every year since the 911 Attacks.

DROOL AT THE POOL On August 22 the Elk Valley Recreation Board will host the Drool at the
Pool from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Girard Borough Pool.

PSAB CONFERENCE This year the Fall PSAB Conference is October 14-16, 2022
At the Wyndham in Gettysburg.

UTILITY POLES Communication has been made with Spectrum and Verizon to move lines
from abandon poles to new poles. Both have responded positively. We
are currently working with VNET to expand service here in the borough
and we are looking to have “make ready work” done on the poles to
accommodate the expansion. VNET will cover the cost of the make ready


ORDINANCE The Council Committee has begun work on the short-term rental
ordinance and is currently reviewing ordinances from local municipalities.
MISC. Councilmember Miller reported that $907.00 was raised through the fire
hydrant auction. 100 puzzles were sold, 47 Girard Hotel Bricks were sold,
and 80 people watched the movie at the pool during Dan Rice Days.
Councilmember Miller suggested that the Borough Solicitor should find
an ordinance preventing property owners from parking on their lawn and
eliminate parking for boats and RVs at a residence more that one week.
Councilmember Miller mentioned that Lake City Borough will host the
Summer Equinox on September 22, 2022 in Veterans Park from 5:00 pm
to 9:00 pm. Council member Miller would like the blinking lights
removed from Main Street that notify people that there are railroad tracks.
What is the status of the Splash Pad near the basketball court area.
Councilmember Noble said that we have not done anything since the
basketball courts were finished two months ago.
Mayor Burton asked the Township to pump out the pond in the
Township on Mark Troyers property.

Councilmember Simonelli mentioned that he talked with Ed Kissel with
the Sons of Lake Erie and Ed will get in touch with Scott Bowlinger at the
Fish & Boat Commission.

ADJOURN Motion by Councilmember Orr and seconded by Councilmember
Simonelli to adjourn at 8:38 p.m. All in favor