November 18, 2024




Council in regular session was called to order at 6:00 p.m. in council chambers. President Mitcho presiding.

Gregg Mitcho, President Jeanne Miller, Vice President Robert “Doc” Orr

Jim Simonelli Tim Knapp

Robert Stubenbort, Borough Manager Peter Burton, Mayor

Joseph Yochim, Solicitor Mark Corey, Engineer

Kevin Rafferty, Chief of Police

Dennis McDonald, Public Works Supervisor

Doug Wright George Drushel





Michael Stafford, WCNJ Laura DiPasqua

Ginger Cinti, Lake City Borough Council Shirley Hall

Larry Russell Ginger Sarnowski Bev Bible

Fred Carlson Jeff Orr

Issy Lawrie

Motion by Councilmember Simonelli to approve the October 21, 2024, council meeting minutes. Seconded by Councilmember Knapp. All in favor. Motion carried. Motion by Councilmember Simonelli to approve the Special Meeting minutes of November 6, 2024. Seconded by Councilmember Knapp. All in favor. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilmember Simonelli to approve payment of the bills. Seconded by Councilmember Orr. All in favor. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilmember Knapp to approve payment of the bill form Dahlkemper Landscaping for the Hotel Park plans. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in favor. Motion carried.

Councilmember Orr rep0rted that Shawn Wroblewski EMC has been working on gaining certificates applicable to Emergency Management. Shawn has been working with the rail road and the Girard School District to update emergency plans.

Borough Manager Stubenbort reported on West County Paramedic Association. Joe Cree, Operations Manager, has turned in his resignation. Kristen Reinwald has resigned as business manager effective 12/7/2024. Ambulance Unit 112 was the most reliable ambulance and was likely totaled in an accident with a fallen tree.

President Mitcho reported that A. F. Dobler approved the 2025 Budget for $215,000.00. They took a hit from Girard Township because they stopped their stipend contribution of $9,500.00 a year, saying that the Fire Tax was all that would be distributed to the fire departments.

Councilmember Orr said that they will pay for snow plowing and tires upon request.

President Mitcho reported that all cash or check donations made now until December 15th to Girard’s all volunteer fire/EMS service, A.F. Dobler Hose & Ladder Company will be matched by two local anonymous donors. Funds are being raised for the purchase of a new

1.25 million dollar fire truck that has been ordered to be received in 2 to 3 years. The USDA inspection takes place eve1y three years and Dobler Hose passed. A steel storage building has been purchased for A.F. Dobler Hose to keep tables, chairs and the barbecue equipment.



Mayor Burton mentioned that the Girard Downtown ECGRA Committee would host a free Thanksgiving Meal at the Girard Methodist Church on Thanksgiving Day from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Light Up Night would be on the day after Thanksgiving. The Girard Lake City Chamber will host the Shop Local Event on December 13, 14, 2024. Chief Rafferty said that Officer Zuem attended the Red DOT Optics training. Officer Zuem is our firearms instructor. Red Dot Optics helps with accuracy when using a firearm. The Mayor mentioned that the Public Works and Police are invited to the Chamber Christmas lunch on December 11, 2024.

Borough Manager Stubenbort reported that the bids for the Hotel Park and Butternut Well Projects will be in 2025.


No. 1-11-2024                           Council approval of the application for a State Grant (Local Share Account Statewide) to resurface the Girard Borough Community Pool. Motion by Councilmember Orr to approve Resolution 1-11-2024 application for a State Grant (Local Share Account Statewide) to resurface the Girard Borough Community Pool. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in favor.


No. 2-11-2024                           Council approval of the application for a State Grant (Local Share Account Statewide) for the Sunset Drive Water Line Replacement Project. Motion by Councilmember Orr to approve Resolution 2-11-2024 application for a State Grant (Local Share Account Statewide) for the

Sunset Drive Water Line Replacement Project. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in favor.


No. 3-11-2024                           Council approval of the application for a State Grant (Local Share Account Statewide) for the Sunset Drive Sanitary Sewer Line Replacement Project. Motion by Councilmember Orr to approve Resolution 3-11-2024 application for a State Grant (Local Share Account Statewide) for the Sunset Drive Sanitary Sewer Line Replacement Project. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in favor.

BUDGET                                  The tentative budget for 2025, in the amount of $7,063,859.00 was adopted at the November 6, 2024 meeting. The proposed 2025 Budget includes an increase to the monthly water bill of $2.00 and a .0151/kWh increase to the monthly electric billing and allows for $740,000 in general fund reserve money to be used for Capital Expenditures. Motion by Councilmember Knapp to approve the tentative budget for 2025, in the amount of $7,063,859.00. Seconded by Councilmember Simonelli. All in favor. Motion carried. Councilmember Orr mentioned that our capacity and transmission costs are causing us to make the increase in the electric rate. It is not just Girard Borough that will pay more for electric because the increase is charged to all customers on the PJM grid area.

Councilmember Simonelli mentioned that we will still be the low cost provider for electricity in Erie County.


AGREEMENT                          Enclosed are copies of the Agreements for both the solicitor and engineer

for Council approval. I respectfully request Council to vote in favor. Motion by Councilmember Simonelli to approve the Agreements for both the solicitor and engineer for 2025. Seconded by Councilmember Orr. All in favor. Motion carried.



The remaining Leaf Pick Up Date is November 29th. Only 30-gallon clear plastic bags will be picked up. Only bags of leaves will be accepted. An unlimited number of bags may be placed at the curb lawn for collection. Leaves will not be collected with the regular trash pick-up and should be placed at the curb the night before pick up.

The following curblawn trees are scheduled for removal:

124 Hathaway East, 104 Dewey, 11lDewey, 1006 Mechanic, 1025 Rice

(2), 513 Rice, 322 Rice, 837 Mechanic, 813 Lake, 408 Miles, 705 Miles, across from 225 Lake.


WREATH                                 The Girard Legion Auxiliary will host a Christmas Wreath Ceremony on November 24, 2024 at 2:00 pm on the Main Stage. Wreaths will be placed on the East and West side of the Civil War Monument to honor our Veterans.

BOY SCOUTS                          The Boy Scouts have asked to use the Social Hall on Tuesday evenings for Scout Meetings. It is understood that if the Social Hall is needed on a given Tuesday then they will make other arrangements. It is also understood that the Scouts will be limited to the Social Hall and they must leave the Social Hall in as good a condition as it was found. Any misuse of the Social Hall will mean an end to the arrangement. Jim Tometsko is the contact.

ECGRA GRANT                        On November 12, 2024 the Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority awarded Jamie Matson’s Little Explorers Academy a $100,000.00 grant. This money will be used to continue the work of converting the former St. Johns Church and School to its new use.

Motion by Councilmember Simonelli to approve the resignation of Jake Blarr from the Civil Service Commission. Seconded by Councilmember Miller. All in favor. Motion carried.

COUNCIL COMMENTS           Councilmember Simonelli commented that the Public Works Department

is doing an excellent job with the Christmas lights. Councilmember Miller requested that we get a financial statement for the 2024 Season from the softball organization. Councilmember Miller asked if it would be helpful for separate the Fire Tax from the other Real Estate Tax for the Erie County Association of Boroughs Book. Council agreed that it would be helpful to know what the others are contributing to their fire departments. The nine Christmas Trees in front of the Borough Office will be judged December 6, 2024. The contest is sponsored by the Elk Creek Recreation Board. $100.00, $75.00 and $50.00 prizes are awarded to the winners. Councilmember Miller mentioned that the toilet in the men’s room at the Water Works Park was vandalized and will need to be replaced in the spring. Councilmember Miller thanked the Public Works Department for the outstanding work they did bringing the popcorn wagon back from the Tech School. The wagon was redone by the Tech School and looks great, but the springs gave out on the way back to the borough. The Public Works Department managed to get the wagon to a nearby business who let the Public Works Department fix the wagon in their parking lot. Once fixed the wagon was brought back to the borough.

Meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m. for a five-minute break before going into executive session.



At 6:57 p.m., President Mitcho asked for an executive session to discuss personnel and legal matters.

The regular meeting was called back into session at 7:42 p.m. No other information was discussed.

ADJOURN                                Motion by Councilmember Orr and seconded by Councilmember Knapp to adjourn at 7:46 p.m. All in favor.

Robert A. Stubenbort Borough Manager